Puff Usage


Connections with Puff can be made using a telenet program. Using your favorite search engine, you're sure to find several different telnet clients to accomplish this.
I've used several myself and found one that is extremely simple to install and set up, called PuTTY

Once you have a telnet client, you are going to set up a connection to Puff. There are three key parts of the connection. The host name, which in this case is:
The type of connection is Telnet and the port which defaults to 23 needs to be changed to 4000.


Once you get connected to the simulator you will need to login. RSTS/E uses an account number consisting of a project number and a programmer number, seperated by a comma. We will use the guest account which is 100,100. The password for this account is GUEST.
To login you need to greet RSTS/E and give it your account numbers. On the keyboard you would enter:
hello 100,100
RSTS/E will ask for the password and you enter GUEST

What's Next?

Now that we are logged in, what can we do? Like many of the personal computers that came out after the PDP 11, earlier versions of RSTS/E revolve around BASIC, or in this case BASIC-PLUS. Most of the system programs are written in BASIC-PLUS.
Below is a short list of commands, with explanations of what they do:
Command Explanation
DIR Displays the contents of the directory
RUN filename Load and run a program called filename
OLD filename Load a program called filename

All Done For Now

Once you are all done, be nice and say goodbye to RSTS/E:
RSTS/E will ask you to confirm and you can enter an F, Y, N or ?, where the question mark list a help message explaining these choices. Once you have entered either F or Y the screen will scroll up several lines and you can exit your telnet client.
Last Update: 10-Aug-16
Please contact with any questions or concerns about using Puff.